Shares of Tanla Platform rallied 14% to an intra-day high of Rs 1,086.45. The surge in stock came after the company in an exchange filing said that the company signed a commercial agreement with one of the global tech major (without identifying the company) on Wisely ATP for identifying fraudulent phone numbers to counter scams on their messaging platform.
“We hereby inform you that Tanla Platforms Limited (the Company) has signed a commercial agreement with one of the Global Tech Major on Wisely ATP to combat scams on their messaging platform by identifying fraudulent phone numbers. We are constrained from sharing further details due to confidentiality reasons,” said the company.
What’s driving Tanla Platforms
However, the media reports suggest that Meta owned WhatsApp has signed a deal with Tanla Platforms to overcome scam messages and identify those phone numbers on its platform.
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“Given that WhatsApp is an end-to-end encrypted channel, external signals are crucial for the platform to proactively identify a scam account and take down before any user falls in the trap of fraud messages or suspicious weblinks,” read a news report citing a source.
Tanla Platforms Vs Nifty
Tanla Platform had fallen almost 6% in the past year and 4.8% from year to date and the current upmove is expected to help investors some lost ground.
To compare, Nifty 50 has risen over 11% in the past six months. It has increased around 25% in the past year and 13% from year to date.
What’s Tanla Platforms’ main business model
Tanla Platform is one of the world’s largest CPaaS players, enabling communication between enterprises and their customers through multiple channels including SMS, voice, email, RCS, OTTs such as WhatsApp, FB messenger, and push notifications.